Saturday, August 30, 2008


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Develop a habit of smiling on purpose. We have to learn how to smile by faith. If we’ll smile by faith, soon the joy will follow.

Smiling sends a message to our whole body that everything is going to be okay. When we smile, chemicals are released throughout our physical system that make us feel better. Beyond that, when we smile we’ll have more of God’s favor.

Smiling will help us in dealing with people. Numerous studies show that people who smile are friendly, people who have a pleasant demeanor, get more breaks than other people who are solemn and unfriendly.

God is concerned about our countenance. Fifty-three times in the Scripture, He mentions it. when we smile, its not only good for yourself, but it’s a good witness to others. They will want the sort of happiness that we have. Its one thing to talk about our faith, but it’s a far better thing to live it out. One of the best witness we could ever have is simple to be happy, to have to smile, to be friendly and pleasant to be around.

Some people always seem to look as though they’ve lost their last friend. Even when they go to Church, they look as though they were attending God’s funeral! No, we’re not supposed to be merely holding on or dragging through life. Get your song back and quit allowing the burdens of life to weigh you down. Don’t allow your problems and circumstances to steal our joy.

And don’t allow someone else to rob you of God’s best. Too many people people are being dragged down because somebody in their life is negative. Somebody else won’t do right. Maybe we work around people who always complain. Or we live with somebody who seems perpetually discouraged and wants to wallow in self-pity. Don’t get into the pit with them. Keep your song.

No.1 – Get in a habit of smiling on purpose.
No.2 – Check our posture.

Our body language is communicating constantly, so make sure we are saying what we want to say..

Adapted from
Joel Osteen’s – Become a Better you.
(Chapter 29 - Keep Singing Your Song)


~a lesson I must learn. Truly..

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