Friday, August 8, 2008

Life Victories

In life, there are victories and defeats. Victories are always forgotten very quickly while most like to dwell in defeats.

When we are faced with defeats in life, it can be academically like failing a subject or module, losing in a competition, someone may be walking out of your life, when you feel offended or got hurt emotionally etc, all the bad things you can think of happening to you at certain stages of your life. When such things happen, human’s normal reaction will usually feel sad, having self-pity on themselves and started to have more negative thoughts coming through the mind and eventually, be pessimistic about their life thinking that they are such a failures and such – dwelling in defeats.

Note that this is a matter of choice; you can choose to be happy or sad, to dwell on the negatives or positives, to stay in defeat or victory.

Whereas for victories, whenever we experiences victories like some event or situation happen in accordance to our favor etc, we’ll feel joyful. We forgot to thank God who is working behind the scene causing all the victories to happen. We seldom realize. Take note that things, situation and circumstances don’t happen coincidently or luckily. Anything and everything that happens – be it good or bad is from God. If we come to realize this constantly, we would thank God constantly even when things don’t happen in our favor because all things works together for Good for those to love God (Romans 8:28).

I want to challenge all of you who are reading this entry, take out a small or pocket notebook, write down all the victories that you have gone through – knowing and acknowledging that the victories you experienced come from God’s grace and love for you. Accumulate all the victories in your life from now onwards.

When facing any defeats, take out the notebook and read all the victories that you have gone through. You’ll feel happy. Because your faith will tell you that if God can change the impossible to possible and/or deliver you out from this situation, He will definitely do it again for you.


Because He loves you!


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