Friday, May 16, 2008

Hell's Supreme Surprise

Hell, like Heaven, is a location, not a state of mind, not a metaphysical dimension of floating spirits, but an actual place populated by physical beings.

Jesus describes the length of heaven and hell with the same adjective: eternal. “They will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life” (Matt. 25:46 RSV)

Hell is reserved, not for those souls who seek God yet struggle, but for those who defy God and rebel.

How could a loving God send sinners to hell? He doesn’t. They volunteer.

Here’s the story of the rich man and Lazarus: Remember the rich man in torment? He could see heaven but didn’t request a transfer. He wanted Lazarus to descend to him. Why not ask if he could join Lazarus? The rich man complained of thirst, not of injustice. He wanted water for the body, not water for the soul.

The supreme surprise of hell is this: Christ went there so you won’t have to. Yet hell could not contain him. He arose, not just from the dead, but from the depths. (See Hebrews 2:14)

“Whoever believes in him shall not perish …” God makes the offer.
We make the choice.

Extracted from: 3:16 THE NUMBERS OF HOPE (Chapter 10)

1 comment:

don said...


I found your site through a Google Alert.

I noted that you referenced Matt. 25:46 in your article.

I thought the following interestingly gives another view on this verse.

Coincidentally, I was reading an article this morning by Marvin R. Vincent from his "Word Studies in the New Testament" and it also referenced Matt. 25:46. The following is excerpted from that article.

"Zoe aionios, eternal life, which occurs 42 times in N.T., but not in LXX, is not endless life, but life pertaining to a certain age or aeon, or continuing during that aeon. I repeat, life may be endless. The life in union with Christ is endless, but the fact is not expressed by aionios. Kolasis aionios, rendered everlasting punishment (Matt. 25:46), is the punishment peculiar to an aeon other then that in which Christ is speaking. In some cases zoe aionios does not refer specifically to the life beyond time, but rather to the aeon or dispensation. See Matt. 19:16; John 5:39. John says zoe aionios is the present possession of those who believe on the Son of God. John 3:36; 5:24; 6:47,54. The Father's commandment is zoe aionions. John 12:50; to know the only true God and Jesus Christ is zoe aionios. John 17:3.

Eugene, I thought this was interesting about the punishment being peculiar to an aeon other than that in which Christ is speaking.

I believe he is referring to the punishment lasting for some limited time and being remedial.

Thanks for lending me your ear.