Saturday, March 1, 2008

Choose to be Happy

Being cheerful is a choice. We choose how we feel. We are depressed when certain things happen. Our morale dropped, appetite dropped, smiles faded and such.

No matter how things might turn out, remember that God loves you. Because He love you, He allowed all these ‘Bad’ things to happen. And because He is Perfect, He will perform the Right thing in your life, His way. Even if to us it seems all wrong.

I have an unfulfilling life. Sometimes I even pitied myself when I compared with others. I believe others might have the same mindset. But we must remind ourselves that everyone is created uniquely by God. Because of that, we shouldn’t compare with one another. God’s blessing at every individual life is different but all abundance. Everything happens for Good in God’s eye. Although it might seems bad in our eye.

We are not perfect, and that is why we don’t appreciate God’s way of doing things. Therefore, brothers and sisters in Christ, learn to be appreciative. Appreciate the trials in our lives. Accept the defeat in our lives. Thank God for it. Because of it, we learn what’s important in life and grow spiritually in terms or maturity.

Choose to be happy. Because God is preparing you for His Great work which is going to last for eternity. The work that only YOU can fulfill. Only you.

What you want ... is not always what you need.
Be sure that He will always give you what you need at the appropriate time.
Today’s caterpillar is Tomorrow’s butterfly.
Today’s Thorn is Tomorrow’s Flower.


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