Thursday, November 29, 2007

Combat Engineer Specialist Course (CESC)

Yes, that's the course I will be taking on the coming monday. This is a 13 week course - 4 weeks basic and 9 weeks specialisation training.
It will be a physically and mentally demanding course so I really need all of you to pray for me!

Besides that, I also need the ability to lead WELL in my platoon as I was told that I will be assigned to lead FIRST in whichever platoon I am in.

It's going to be tough for me and easy in Christ! Faith is all I need in accomplishing all the work tasked to me be it when I am a trainee or an assigned leader. With faith I lead!

Well for my spiritually side, I want to be a 24/7 God-minded person. I know its impossible but at least when I am awake. =) Spiritual discipline in terms of having Quiet times, Setting testimonies for Christ, Courage to do what is Right and to thank God in all outcomes are also the things I want to achieve throughout the 14 weeks and of course, maintaining it throughout!

I need your prayers. Really. Let us pray for one another in times of need so that we can support each other spiritually in the family of Christ! Please let me know if you have any prayer requests so that I can pray for you too! Please also let me know if you have prayed for me so that I can give thanks to the Lord for you :)


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